Khaled Sabry Holding, one of the most reputable regional leaders in the building industry, landed one more time promoting Ryan Tower, following their last campaign on August 21st that was promoting the same project. Painting a serene picture of life as it should, the unique Ryan Tower was created to bring stunning views of the outside within. The visuals comply with both blue and red infusion of colors. Blue is usually associated with the color of trust and dependability, while the color red symbolizes bravery and excitement. That's why Khaled Sabry Holding chose to reinforce the brand with these two specific colors. Using “The Tower With Franchise Power” gives people a glimpse of what they will have of endless opportunities and facilities at Ryan Tower. Visit our Media Intelligence platform and OOH-specific analytic system for Egypt and the United Arab Emirates (MOOH) to learn more about Khaled Sabry Holding's new campaign, including its location, budget, and approach.