Kabbani Furniture has recently shown up on Cairo’s billboards, targeting delivering the audience two messages, the first of which is a sale of up to 50%, while the second is an announcement of a new branch. After nine months not showing up since last campaign, Kabbani Furniture comes back with a new promotion propagates a sale up to 50%. The same topic of last one indeed but the last campaign actually included more offers. The visuals were perfectly chosen to imitate the prolonged heatwave as it depicted the message that says “summer discounts up to 50%,” with a sea and sand background. One can relate the summer to discounts on furniture due to Egyptians’ preference to get married and so get their marital domicile furnished in summer, would be! Other billboards also appeared free of any image of a furniture piece; rather, they opted to get the bull’s eye. It plainly announced the new address, presenting the panel in blue slightly mixed with white while emerging the message says “Kabbani Furniture, now in Sheikh Zayed,” “Tourist Walk, Waslet Dahshur. More yet to be discovered about Kabbani Furniture campaigns through the Monitoring Out of Home (MOOH), the dedicated media intelligence agency analysis system active in Cairo and Dubai.