After Dubai’s asset management prior appearance, they decided to spice up the campaign game once again highlighting their unique living experience. At Dubai Asset Management, it strives to offer the best-in-class residential options in Dubai through strategically located communities, which include vibrant facilities, amenities and activities. Continuously enhancing their living experience as highlighted in the campaign’s main message “Unique living experiences in one of Dubai’s largest residential real estate portfolios” that translates the same meaning in Arabic. Their community is all about improving their existing facilities as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle. From the swimming pools to the playgrounds and everything in-between, there is something for everyone. As displayed in the pictures there is a family with a husband, wife and a kid. And a glimpse of what their community has to offer. With a placement of their website in the bottom of the ad The campaign has hit Dubai’s billboards in the form of hoarding boards and uni-pole.