LEGO is back on UAE’s billboards sharing the home of LEGO’s exclusives and unique experiences through announcing their certified stores; additionally, they parade their most distinctive, ever-changing lego sets that’ll never leave you bored. Following LEGO’s prior campaign, the famous Danish toy producer lands once again on Dubai’s billboards with the means to “Rebuild the world.” The first message in LEGO’s new awareness campaign introduces their certified stores to the audience, noting the website “YELLOWBLOCKS.ME” which redirects the audience to the official UAE LEGO website. These ad spaces utilize LEGO’s usual yellow colors while hosting a lego character with headphones and a smile on his face. The second message in this campaign introduces their most novel “Ever-changing play” sets, that will never leave you bored. The sets are showcased on the billboards, highlighting their “Ever-changing” nature, exhibited in 3 exciting animals in 1 amazing set. Passionate animal lovers will have all the fun while playing out fun stories with this brilliant LEGO creator set. There are also amazing space shuttle adventure sets displayed in the ad spaces. The ads are extremely colorful and vibrant, which grab the audience’s eye and entice them to want to try the creator sets for themselves. The new LEGO campaign struck Dubai’s Billboards in the first week of September upon uni-poles and digital screens.