The Egyptian real estate development firm, UC Developments is now all over greater Cairo major out-of-home media spots with a dazzling original campaign, ‘Silhouettes of U’ hitting us again before we even forgot about their last appearance on Cairo’s billboards in August 2022. A prominent organization with more than 20 years of proven expertise in the construction and real estate investing. A strategic merger that brought together various real estate businesses in the engineering, architectural, marketing consulting, and project management disciplines to create it. The company offers its stakeholders infinite options to thrive in prime locations around Egypt that meet modern expectations, owing to cutting-edge offices, lavish retail experiences, and sizable residential properties, by working with the biggest stars in every industry. ‘Ori-ji-nal’, ‘Silo-wets / of U’, ‘Uni-Ke’, and ‘O-then-tik’ are mainly the wordplay messages sent and delivered to the firm’s prospective clients and to the targeted segment with a successful geographic distribution that everyone is noticing everywhere. Along with the company’s Logo, hotline number, and different models for each visual face. Check out Monitoring Out-of-home (MOOH), a specialist media intelligence agency and analytic system active in Cairo and Dubai for more information about UC developments latest and all OOH campaigns.