Back-to-School season is getting closer; Time flies! This season in specific, is famous for its discounts and offers. And since we’re talking about deals, Noon is one of the pioneer e-commerce/mobile apps that crush prices once there is a convenient season. The previous Noon campaign was back in July regarding the Noon food service that was marked as their first initiative to enter the food delivery district. Regards the newest campaign that hit Dubai roads has two messages; the first message is obviously the back-to-school message that appeared on a lamppost display while showcasing the dates of the back-to-school sale, which is from 23rd to 31st Aug. the other message the campaign is serving is “noon minutes” or as the eCommerce mobile app claims in Arabic “delivery in 15 mins” which is a compelling message for online shoppers to start the shopping extravaganza. The second message got displayed on digital boards on Dubai streets. Whether you’re a student or not, Noon’s new campaign will get you on the edge of your seat. Go and fill your shopping cart!