June North Coast is back and pinker than ever, flaunting their newest launch “Pink Water Houses” on Cairo’s Billboards. Following their prior appearance back in July, SODIC Developments advertises June’s water pink houses with a new positively positive feature. June North Coast’s ad spaces highlight Water Pink Houses’ pool views and pink beaches. The new unmatched double height experience floating lofts are one of a kind, surrounded by quartz waters. June also spotlights its unique, enticing pink beaches, having hosted a model suntanning on the beach in one of the ad spaces, surrounded by pink umbrellas and palm trees. The ad designs are extremely cheerful and edgy, highlighting their light and pinkish vibes. The blue skies and clear waters are the cherry on top to tempt the audience into purchasing their own Pink Water House. The ad copy mentions the advertizer and developer SODIC, as well as the brand’s hotline and website. Want to know more about June North Coasts’ campaign location, budget, strategy, and more, you may take a look at our Egypt and The Emirates OOH-dedicated analysis system and Media Intelligence platform (MOOH).