Kidzania rises once again upon Cairo’s OOH arena as the Top-Tier educational opportunity for kids, following their prior campaign, encouraging kids to “embolden their talents”. Kidzania thrives to widen kids’ horizons, with hopes of preparing them for their futures. Therefore, their current campaign, holding the slogan “ Learn, Work & Discover” “اتعلم، اشتغل، اكتشف”, encourages kids to learn and discover new things, on which they can work in the future. The campaign ad space hosts a group of kids standing in the heart of Kidzania, each of them choosing a different area of work. The visuals reflect the range in which Kidzania operates, including departments like Nursing, Fire fighting, Architecture, Reporting, and many more. The ad copy notes Kidzania’s positioning statement as well, noting “ اكبر مدينه تعليميه في العالم” which translates to “The largest educational town in the world.” Check out Monitoring Out of Home (MOOH), a specialist media intelligence agency and analysis system active in Cairo & Dubai, to learn more about Kidzania’s new campaign.