Following their prior appearance on UAE’s prime OOH spots, KFC rises once again with a new awareness campaign, promoting their Daily Hand-Breaded chicken. KFC exhibits its finest quality on Dubai’s Billboards with a new creative awareness campaign, spread across Dubai’s prime OOH spots. The campaign ad space hosts KFC’s premium chicken in a mouthwatering visual that grabs the audience’s attention in a heartbeat. KFC’s meals are displayed in an appealing manner, spotlighting the freshness and crisp products. The campaign catch phrases “Freshly Prepared Everyday”, “Served Fresh or not Served At All”, and “Hand Breaded Every Single Day” is clearly placed on all ad spaces, some are also translated in Arabic to “يحضر طازج كل يوم”. KFC’s infamous chicken bucket rules most of the ad spaces, utilizing protruding die cuts and mockups that bring KFC’s delicious chicken to life. Lastly, as usual, KFC’s signature red and white color palette is used in the billboards as it reflects the brand’s identity in addition to being visually attractive. The creative campaign struck Dubai’s Billboards in the first week of June, in the form of Uni-Pole, Lampposts, Mega Com and Hoarding.