A new OOH campaign from Elgozour film production. has been launched to advertise the release of the new thriller “Fares” movie. Directed by Raouf Abdelaziz, Mohammad Abdel Majeed, Tarek Hashem, Gamal Shaker, Ahmed Wafiq and Youssef Kamal Rezk. Among several well-known stars Ahmed Zaher, Hussien Fahmy, Eman El Assi, Nehal Anbar, Menna Fadaly, and Salah Abdallah. The storyline is about Fares who is a struggling gas station worker with a sports background, but circumstances force him to confront the brutality of businessman Rashid Al Suwaifi. Curious to know more information about Elgozour’s film production campaign? Checkout Monitoring Out of Home (MOOH), the dedicated media intelligence agency and analysis system active in Cairo & Dubai, will provide you with details regarding the campaign types, kinds, locations, budgets, media plans, and more.