Following their prior release of Qamar 14, Egypt’s top production house El Sobky Film Productions is back on Cairo’s billboards with promotional posters of this year's Eid release “Zombie”, starring cherished Egyptian stars. The release campaign exhibits the movie posters, showcasing the talented cast including Ali Rabee, Dina Mohsen, Hamdy El Marghany, Hager Ahmed, Karim Afifi, Mohamed Outaka and Mohamed Mahmoud. This Eid movie title markets itself, as most people are already familiar with the notion of zombies. The main characters in the posters are all in their fighting stance, appearing to be ready to fight the zombies apparent behind them. The posters give nothing away from the original story while grabbing the audience’s attention and enticing them to choose Zombie as their movie of choice this Eid. The poster’s grim and dark colour palette reflects the genre of the film, appearing to be an action/thriller, however, the pop of colour used portrays a sense of comedy, especially when you put the cast chosen into consideration. The movie title is noted in both Arabic and English along with a mention to all of those who participated in the making of the movie. Lastly, other than noting that the film will be in theatres this Eid, the age classification for the movie was exhibited, rated at 8+ years, informing the audience that it is a family-friendly production. Check out Monitoring Out of Home (MOOH), a specialist media intelligence agency and analysis system active in Cairo & Dubai, to learn more about El Sobky Film Productions’ campaign.