All the way from Switzerland, Velas has been emerged once again on Dubai's outdoors ad arena, after their previous campaign. This time, the brand is proudly flaunting that they became a Ferrari Premium Partner. Led by an impressive squad of professionals from various industries, Velas intends to raise the quality of living for everyone; by making advanced and innovative technologies more attainable. It entails studying cutting-edge encryption, building consensus protocols, and designing user-friendly interfaces to enable developers, businesses, and individuals all over the globe to construct and join a readily accessible, transparent, and community-governed web 3.0 environment. Just by using Ferrari’s name and logo, the visuals are a sight to behold. Stating the fact that they are a “Premium Partner” with the luxury car brand Velas, putting the brand on a different level. The tagline for the campaign reels customers in, saying “Together Reaching New Frontiers”. The billboards rely on using a solid color, which is a furious red that depicts feelings of speed and the boldness of the brand. This new campaign was released in the fourth week of February.