The first Indian governmental initiative, Districts as Export Hubs, aims to mobilize each district of the country to achieve its potential as an export hub, therefore, they have launched the “Experience India” campaign with the sole purpose of increasing global reach of products and services from the district through E-commerce and digital marketing. The campaign is showcased in two forms, the first being through exhibitions in India’s Pavilion in Dubai’s Expo2020, which has been recognised as “one of the most iconic pavilions” at the Expo. Endless Indian traditions have been displayed in the Expo, including The Mysore Rosewood Inlay, which was part of the Experience India campaign due to it being India’s well known and traditional process of decorating the surface of wood by setting in pieces of material such as bone, plastic, or wood of different colors. The Indian based art is extremely well known and substantial in Indian history. The expo has paraded multiple traditions which in the end aid in displaying the Indian culture with their unique talents. The second feature of the campaign was through “The Great Indian Recipe Contest” which is an event that encourages people to try out different traditional Indian recipes using Indian produce-ingredients, veggies, or fruits. The goal is to bring out the audience’s inner chef and elevate themselves from a foodie to a recipe-maker. The ad space showcasing the Experience India campaign in the Indian Pavilion includes a visual example of all the traditional activities and arts that are part of the exhibition along with the Campaign name and mention of Dubai’s Expo2020. Some ad copies also include a large elephant made out of Mysore Rosewood Inlay conveying the Indian art. The Great Indian Recipe Contest ad copy mentions the dates of which the contest starts and ends as well as what the contest entails. Lastly, the campaign’s website URL is placed for the audience to be able to gain more information. The Experience India campaign is fairly new and has only been dispersed on UAE’s billboards in the first week of January in the form of Digital Screens.