The always fresh-tasting, delicious, and crispy bag of Lay’s Gourmet Chips has drawn passers-by’s attention to Cairo’s OOH advertising scene which is seasoned with robust flavors, deploying the beautiful actress Amina Khalil to represent the brand’s image, after being featured in Mega’s Double strawberry ice cream in its most recent OOH campaign. Amina Khalil has appeared on a luxurious background enjoying every crunch from Lay's Kettle Cooked Gourmet Chips which is referred to it as “The Finest Moment” or “ألذ لحظة”, on the other hand, the opulent background echoes the brand’s premium product that is made with high-quality ingredients and a satisfying blend of flavors. In addition, the visuals flaunt Lay’s Gourmet Chips on a black-themed background in three delectable flavors and textures; Sweet Chili & Sour Cream, Lime & Black Pepper, and Vintage Cheddar & Caramelized Onion. To find out more on the Lay’s Gourmet Chips’s campaign, checkout Monitoring Out of Home (MOOH), the dedicated media intelligence agency and analysis system active in Cairo & Dubai, which will provide you with details regarding campaign types, kinds, locations, budgets, media plans, and more.