Following Sensodyne's latest OOH campaign showing off creative mockups and die-cuts, the global multinational pharmaceutical company and healthcare tycoon GSK has garnered Cairo's OOH arena to promote dentist-recommended toothpaste for teeth sensitivity, Sensodyne. The outdoor ad features visual imagery of delectable treats and beverages. The visuals show off two main appealing tastes, which are cold and hot. In other words, it photographs chilled ice cream and a cup of water with ice cubes flying in the background. while also depicting hot drinks like a cup of tea with mint or a cup of delicious coffee. The message behind this campaign is to grant the audiences all the pleasure and relief, as they don't have to worry about teeth sensitivity or their food choices by using Sensodyne's effective toothpaste for teeth sensitivity. The ad copy bilingually highlights the phrase “متفوتش لحظة بسبب حساسية الأسنان” or “don’t miss a moment because of teeth sensitivity”, appearing on a bright blue-themed background. Longing for more information about this campaign? Visit MOOH, Egypt’s and the Emirates’ OOH-dedicated Media Intelligence Company to reveal the campaign’s OOH types, sizes, budget, locations, districts, and more.