Food & beverages leader in the middle east region, Juhayna, has been seen on the billboards of Cairo to feature actress and fitness idol, Tara Emad on a new outdoor advertising campaign to announce the launching of Juhayna N&G. The Juhayna Nuts and Grain new sub-product is targeting the vegans of Egypt to serve them a “Milk alternative with no milk” referring to its 100% dairy-free product produced from plant extract, guaranteeing that it tastes great and has low calories. This range of products include Soy Milk, Hazelnut Milk, Coconut Milk, Oat Milk, and Almond Milk, all displayed behind the superstar and brand ambassador, Tara Emad, looking healthy, shiny, and satisfied. Are you eager to know more about this campaign? Get to know its OOH types, budget, locations, and more, only visit Monitoring Out-of-Home (MOOH), Cairo’s, and Dubai’s dedicated OOH media intelligence company.