El Mansour Development has launched an outdoor campaign in the streets of Cairo for its project True Nasr City, making it known that it is launching phase 2 to bring its advantageous payment terms. It appears on the billboards after its OOH campaign promoting the project a few months earlier. The campaign has shown up capturing the project's spacious apartment's blocks with its tagline Apartment… constructed on-point. It's listing numerous features as the convenient price of its 3 rooms with EGP 650,000 and payment over 7 years, and the another benefit of EGP 100,000 down payment for you to Install over 100 months, as well as mentioning the amount of installment per month of EGP 6900. Discover more about True Nasr City's campaign budget, media plan, OOH kinds, and more. Just contact Monitoring Out-of-home (MOOH), the dedicated OOH media intelligence company and analysis system in Cairo and Dubai.