The Japanese automotive leader Toyota hits Egypt's billboards one more time in less than a month. It's bringing the new Toyota Hiace on an outdoor advertising campaign, after only a few weeks since introducing the new 2021 Toyota Corolla. The OOH campaign shows up with a visual demonstrating the powerful and durable Toyota Hiace on a background of the city's vast expanse, reflecting that the turbo-diesel minibus is ready to dominate the roads no matter the distance while announcing that Prices start from EGP 460,000. The ad's template shows Toyota's hotline at the bottom, as well as My Toyota app that's available on Google Play and App store plus the web address. Toyota Hiace's outdoor media plan is managed by cooperation between OUTSITE OOH Media Agency and EAMA Advertising, led by OUTSITE's Executive Manager Karim Shams, and EAMA's Deputy Managing Director Mohamed El Kilany. With thousands of locations combined across Egypt, the two outdoor leaders have blended forces and solid expertise to meticulously spread the news about Toyota Hiace across different cities. The campaign is installed with multiple gates formed by billboards, uni-poles and mega-signs over Egypt's roads. [AD] Toyota Hiace 2020, the Trustworthy partner, is the newest minibus from Toyota's 12-seat vehicles that have proved success over the years, with multiples of Egyptian's putting trust in it on the roads. It is widely used by transportation companies, travelling agents, employers' teams, and families' road trips. The new Toyota Hiace comes in two models, Hiace van and Hiace standard, with both vehicles having 2755 cc turbo diesel engines, and a fuel tank capacity of 65 liters, ready to prove one more time that it's a true partner to believe in on the road. You can discover more about the new Toyota Hiace through [AD] OUTSITE OOH and EAMA Advertising were amongst other numerous top agencies working to acquire the deal. The fact that OUTSITE is already Toyota's success partner along different previous campaigns including the latest for Corolla, and the great variety of locations provided by EAMA, both agencies succeeded to set the deal with confidence over their top capabilities of printing solutions, and years of experience with a precise analysis of the market and Egypt's landscape. The campaign managed to spread over Cairo, Giza, Alex, and other governorates across Egypt. You can learn more about EAMA Advertising through, and OUTSITE OOH through