is celebrating Mother's Day on the billboards of Cairo with an outdoor promotional campaign, less than a month after its last OOH campaign. Amazon's Middle East signature brand,, is launching Mother's Day promotional campaign in a creative series of thanks to mothers, similar to their 2019’s OOH campaign for the same occasion. It used several visuals designed with different colors, starting with four visuals, each one displays a different category of gifts that can be found on Souq, with different discount amount accordingly. Souq is offering discounts on Fashion, personal care, consumer electronics, and home appliances products. It worked a creative blending of Thanks in the copywriting of each visual to relate to our mothers, using one last visual with no products displayed on; only a copy saying Thanks for being my mother. followed by Amazing offers starting from 21 March. The campaign was seen on the billboards of Cairo in the third week of March, appearing on a combination and serial of billboards, mega-signs, and double-deckers in prime locations in Cairo, Egypt.