Mobile manufacturer OPPO has shocked and awed the industry once again with their latest OOH campaign – a special production to boost the launch of their new F3 Limited Black Edition. With an industrial design that promises to generate a new trend in the market, the brand has created the biggest outdoor ad of the year and skillfully installed it on the Cairo-Alexandria/Desert Road – the highest trafficked road of the summer has seen the transformation of a humble walkway bridge into an outstanding billboard of over 450m2. The campaign took off within the city limits of Greater Cairo, with special set-ups and serials on Salah Salem Road, October Bridge and the Ring Road. Keeping the brand’s iconic branding zones that were specially created for the launch of F3 model during June and July, the new campaign has uplifted the spirit of the launch and extended to cover the release of F3 Limited Black Edition that also happens to sponsor the latest superhero movie “Spiderman: Homecoming”. Within the width of the bridge, the design includes 2 mega signs, 3 die-cuts and 2 giant mock-ups, integrating branding and both phone editions. Spiderman webs in viewers and drivers who pull over to take selfies at the “Selfie Expert” space – especially at night, with an stuning LED lighting staging! Part of a bigger strategy that includes initiatives on different media, as well as live events, the bridge offers the highest delivery of OTS and the campaign has surpassed all KPIs to date.