Squares Developments Promises to Build Communities on OOH

Pioneering real estate company, Squares Developments, has launched a striking outdoor advertising campaign that will captivate the public. Squares Development’s prior successful OOH appearance was during December 2024 which reinforces the company's commitment to progress and innovation in real estate development. The company, named 'Squares,' draws inspiration from the symbolic nature of public squares in major cities. These spaces, often adorned with the most impressive buildings and landmarks, represent the highest standards in design and urban development
Squares Developments is currently back on track with a new OOH campaign using the main tagline “Creating Communities.” The billboards highlight at the bottom banner that this is a “New Capital Release,” meaning the launching project will be at Cairo’s New Capital. The visuals also highlight that Squares Developments will be offering “Hotel Apartments, Commercial, Medical & Administrative” units.
The visual uses an aesthetically pleasing design with a red arrow shape closed by a triangle frame surrounding a black and white photograph of a man crossing the street. The backdrop is black which really makes the design and approach pop.
For more about the campaign’s types, locations, budgets, media plans, and more, head to MOOH, the monitoring out-of-home intelligence data provider in Cairo and Dubai.
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