Fawry, Egypt's leading digital payments and financial services platform launches a new and attractive outdoor campaign, featuring its new My Fawry Yellow Card. Fawry’s previous successful OOH campaign was during May 2024 and it was also promoting the My Fawry Yellow Card and application. Fawry is currently back on billboards even stronger with a captivating and vibrant campaign showcasing a diverse range of characters. One of the ad visuals uses the main tagline which translates to “Pay any service in any electronic wallet via My Fawry application” portraying a man with 6 hands holding mobile devices, a router and a transaction bill. Another visual uses the ad copy “More than 1000 services on My Fawry application” displaying a man with 6 arms holding cash, a My Fawry Yellow Card, a transaction bill, a playstation joystick, a phone, and a car plate. A separate visual uses the ad copy “Buy and pay in monthly installments from anywhere with My Fawry Yellow” showcasing a woman with 6 arms holding a perfume bottle, a My Fawry Yellow Card, a straightener, a mobile phone, and a purse. Another visual uses the ad copy “Increase your money via My Fawry with the highest interest without minimum limit” displaying a woman holding mostly cash along with My Fawry Yellow Card and a mobile phone. All the billboards portray a mobile device open to the application My Fawry along with a My Fawry Yellow Card. They also contain a call to action which is to download the application via Google Play, App Store or App Gallery. The billboards use the color yellow as the backdrop maintaining the official brand color of Fawry which is a very spontaneous and happy color. ‘ Get to know more about Fawry’s campaign, including its OOH kinds, locations, and more, visit MOOH; Egypt and The Emirates’ OOH-dedicated analysis system and Media Intelligence.