Virgin Mobile recently launched an OOH advertising campaign across Dubai in the UAE. The multi-format campaign utilizes building wrappings and hoardings to showcase Virgin Mobile’s loyal customers and to promote the advantages of joining Virgin Mobile. This campaign was launched during the fourth week of September 2024, following the company’s previous successful OOH during November 2023 when the brand used the main tagline “Share More Save More.” The design of the new campaign utilizes a white and red color scheme, maintaining brand colors and identity, focusing on the brand’s logo and straightforward messaging. The building wrapping visual uses the ad copy “I get total flexibility with my plan” and the name “Adina” is placed right under the phrase, with the description that she has been a “customer since 7/2018.” Her photograph is portrayed while she is happy and comfortable with her plan. The hoarding visual uses the ad copy “Everything’s simple, it’s a game-changer” and it is described that this is the opinion of a loyal member called “Hekmat, customer since 8/2021.” Hekmat is also portrayed smiling in the campaign and couldn’t be happier with his telecommunication service. The campaign includes a call to action which is to download the Virgin Mobile app. Virgin Mobile provides free and fast 5G network, instant activation with UAE PASSA, flexible payment options, big savings on 6 or 12 month plans, nationwide coverage, and cashback rewards. Get more in-depth details about the OOH industry by visiting our Insiteopedia and navigating through its different sections.