In the fourth week of August McDonald’s had released a multi-format campaign promoting their new addition to their roster, the campaign utilizes lampposts and digital screens. This follows their previous appearance in August 2024. McDonald’s has made a move to upgrade the signature Quarter Pounder with deluxe ness, the specific item has been added to the deluxe line of products of the brand with where addition of lettuce, tomatoes, mayonnaise, and course cheese. A great masterpiece offered by the brand to the public with the sole purpose of satisfying taste buds but for a limited time only. The visuals portray both the item before and after the detoxification to yet intensify the urge to try out the item, the ad copy also uses all the iconic colors that participate or are associated with McDonald’s both red and yellow are used which have a strong contrast while being a attention-grabbing duet effect. The ad copy also states the extra ingredients added to make the Quarter Pounder “Deluxe” stating the burger has cheese, mayo, tomatoes, and lettuce all using the color black for pigmentation which helps share the information directly with potential buyers. Get more in-depth details about the OOH industry by visiting Insiteopedia and navigating through its different sections.