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iStyle Promotes MacBook Air To Students on UAE's Out-of-Home Billboards
Awareness Campaign Sharjah

iStyle Promotes MacBook Air To Students on UAE's Out-of-Home Billboards

August 19, 2024 3 weeks ago
1 minute, 27 seconds
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iStyle, an electronics retailer in the UAE, has climbed up on Dubai’s OOH arena, launching a new advertising campaign. The multi-format campaign utilizes uni-poles and hoardings to promote a compelling offer for students in the UAE revolving around the MacBook Air. This campaign was launched during the second week of August 2024 following the brand’s prior successful OOH during September 2023 also advertising a Mac. 

The OOH campaign consists of two main visuals. One visual uses the tagline “Easy to use Right from the Start.” while also highlighting that students can now “Save up to AED 1300 on MacBook Air with our education offer.” The visual portrays an iStyle technician doing something on a MacBook Air, showing it to a student who seems to be willing to buy it for educational purposes. The campaign also points out the fact that Apple is a “Premium Partner” of iStyle.

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The other visual uses the bold tagline “Battery life that gets you through class - and beyond.” while also highlighting that students can “Save up to AED 1300 on MacBook Air.” This visual displays a student who seems to be sitting in a college library with his headphones on, using his MacBook Air for educational purposes or to get him through university. The campaign also specifies that “Terms & Conditions Apply” and uses a white background for the visuals as white symbolizes perfection and gives off a sense that everything is easy and simple with Mac. It also refers to clarity and refreshment making it a bold and chic choice of color for the ads.

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