Khareef Dhofar typically starts in June, the annual festival to celebrate the monsoon and attract tourists, during the khareef, the Dhofar Mountains around Salalah and Al-Ghaydah are rain-soaked and shrouded in fog leading to a unique ecological habitat along the coast, regarded as the best climate sprouting dense greenery all around. Experience Oman, the tourist activities guide in Oman is sparking the interest of tourists through a comeback in the OOH arena after a year of absence engaging outdoor displays as a powerful platform for showcasing the diversity of Oman's natural wonders, inspiring viewers to explore the treasures of “Khareef Dhofar” and promote the enjoyment of an exceptional experience that includes relaxation, entertainment, culture, and sports activities. The vivid screens showcase greenery all around, and the rain-soaked highlights the rich nature of Oman through immersive visuals captivating audiences and offering a glimpse of Oman's allure, allocated for Khareef season activities, the OOH campaign is an invitation to explore the depths of Oman and presents a unique opportunity for visitors to connect with nature. Explore detailed information on the Hospitality & Tourism industry by checking out Insiteopedia.