Nawassy or as previously known as Nawassy Developments just released a new campaign to promote its newest project, Nest, on East Cairo billboards. The real estate developer chose the circle as their primary shape, as it symbolizes life, continual change, and the evolution of the universe it also can mean unity, infinity, and perfection due to its symmetrical and continuous nature. It’s a brilliant choice to represent the new project. Aside from the circle shape, the campaign’s artwork is simple and sleek with the floral hint to indicate that serene living awaits the potential clients. Along with the gorgeous visuals, the copy also is very appealing, “A unique perspective in living,” line is working harmoniously with the visual to add strength to the overall outcome. The widely-spread campaign is spotted heavily in New Cairo placed on highways using different kinds of OOH formats. It’s worth mentioning that Nawassy has changed its brand logo and name to be Nawassy instead of Nawassy Developments. Looking for more information about this campaign? Visit MOOH, Egypt’s and the Emirates’ OOH-dedicated Media Intelligence Company to reveal the campaign’s OOH types, sizes, budget, locations, districts, and more.