Synergy Films, a renowned production company, is set to captivate audiences once again with the highly anticipated release of Awlad Rizk Al Qadya III. This latest installment in the thrilling Awlad Rizk franchise promises to deliver a cinematic experience that will leave moviegoers on the edge of their seats. The streets of Cairo have become a canvas of anticipation, as the city's billboards are adorned with striking black-and-white images of the film's star-studded cast. Featuring the charismatic duo of Ahmad Ezz and Amr Youssef, along with the talented Asser Yassin, Karim Kassem, and Ali Sobhy, the posters exude a sense of gritty determination. The actors' stern expressions convey the seriousness of the action-packed narrative, enticing audiences to witness the gripping journey ahead. To learn more about the campaign's details, including the types of out-of-home advertising used, the locations, budgets, and media plans, you can visit MOOH, the leading provider of monitoring and intelligence data for the out-of-home advertising industry in Cairo and Dubai.